-Active Isolated Sports Massage

Holistic Touch

therapeutic massage with a difference  

Book your appointment by phone with:
Kevin Rowley at 478-918-5933
or Tiffani Gaiters at 478-319-3445
or use our Email Appointment System.

2116 Riverside Drive REAR, Macon, GA  31204
Parking and Entrance on Old Holton Road.

  Active Isolated Sports Massage
My Newest Specialty in Pain Management

30 minute session
60 minute session
90 minute session
$ 60.00
$ 95.00
$ 135.00

Active Isolated Sports Massage is one of the most effective modalities of massage and body work. With AISM scar tissue is broken up, the muscle is lengthened, muscle memory is restored, and circulation of blood and lymph increases oxygen while removing toxins. Relief from pain and tension occurs while healing starts immediately.
People become stiff and sore for many reasons. The main reason is due to the fact that the muscles tighten up and become short. Repetitive use, stress, excessive exercise, poor posture, truma or injuries are just a few causes. Our heart pumps the blood but it is the muscles' job to help move the fluid through the body.
When a muscle becomes short and tight, circulation to the area becomes restricted. The key to its effectiveness is in holding the stretch for only 2 seconds. When a stretch is held longer than two seconds, the muscle contracts to protect it's self from tearing. This also reduces circulation creating ischemia (poor blood circulation), lactic acid build up and damage to the muscle.
What are the top benefits to AISM stretching?

• Promotes muscle and tendon growth by increasing nutrition and oxygenation to the tissues
• Helps eliminate metabolic waste from cells by stimulating and pumping the lymphatic drainage system
• Increase muscle health and elasticity so you burn more body fat and become symmetrical
• Breaks down fascial gluing between the muscles
• Breaks down fibrotic scar tissue adhesions and reduces inflammation
• Realigns collagen fiber matrix in muscle and fasica, the building blocks of soft tissue
• Reduce muscle spasm and functional tightness
• Reduces the risk of muscle strains and tearing
• Increases recovery and regeneration between workouts so you can train longer and more frequently while reducing the risk of overtraining
• Increases peak preformance and response time for movement, prolonging your athletic career

What is Sports massage?   Typically, sports massage is utilized to alleviate and promote healing of specific complaints. The Massage Therapist performs massage techniques based upon knowledge of anatomy, physiology and personal experience. It would be hard to imagine a professional team or program anywhere that does not employ the services of a qualified sports massage therapist.
However, one does not need to have a serious physical complaint to greatly benefit from sports massage. To the contrary, it is now more common for athletes of all ages and level of play to seek the services of a trained sports massage therapist. There are typically five time periods when sports massage is appropriate:

• Pre-event
• Inter-event
• Post event
• Rehabilitation
• Maintenance

Specific sports are known to habitually affect particular muscles or groups of muscles, tendons and ligaments that are used excessively. By concentrating on the specific muscle groups most used in a given sport, a massage therapist can help an athlete increase mobility, range of motion, oxygen supply, blood flow and help maintain higher performance.
How is Sports Massage Different?   A Sports Massage differs from Swedish Massage because the client's relaxation is not the primary objective. Accordingly, the sports massage therapist may employ a number of massage modalities including Swedish Massage strokes, Trigger Point Therapy, Acupressure, Deep-Tissue Massage, active and passive stretches, Lymphatic Massage, MyoKinesthetics, Hydrotherapy and others.
What Does the Process Involve?   As in most massage therapy you will fill out a medical history form complete with disclosure of any conditions or complications that have arisen as a result of sporting activities or other causes. Together, you and your therapist will discuss your sports activity agenda and what you wish to get out of your massage therapy. An effective treatment plan will be devised that deals effectively with your condition. The frequency of your visits will vary according to your needs. Your therapist may also recommend specific exercises to be performed at home.

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